When it comes time to look for a new vacuum cleaner, you will benefit in the long run if you buy the highest-quality machine you can. You want something powerful that will keep working well for years to come. The Kirby line of vacuums, along with a few other brands, offers a lifetime warranty. Kirby has more metal internal parts than other vacuum cleaners, and this speaks to their popularity. It’s not unusual to find people who have a Kirby vacuum cleaner that they purchased over 20 years ago, or longer. If you talk to one of them, they will swear to you that there has never been a problem with their vacuum. You don’t see such attention to quality craftsmanship as much today, unfortunately. Consequently, if the price is affordable for you, a Kirby vacuum should be one you seriously consider.
Preventive Maintenance
This carpet cleaning recommendation is more of a preventative action designed to help keep your carpets clean. Are there areas in your home that get a lot of traffic, such as hallways and by the exterior doors? Place carpet runners in these locations and it will make a big difference. You’re probably familiar with this type of small rugs that are usually rectangle-shaped and come in different widths, patterns, and colors. They are available in various lengths so you can pick and choose the ones that are appropriate for your high traffic areas. This is one of the best tips to help keep your carpet from premature wear and tear in the high traffic areas. You can replace the carpet runner when it wears out and your carpet will be just fine. Maybe you already have evidence of the premature wearing that happens along hallways and other places. Since this is a good way to protect your main carpet, you should seriously consider using carpet runners.
Carpet Stains
Housepets can be a real challenge when it comes to carpet stains, especially if the stain is due to urine. Fast action is the key to successful removal of pet stains to prevent the urine from soaking the carpet fibers and drying. There may be times, however, when your pet has an ‘accident’ on your carpet and you aren’t home to deal with it in a timely manner. You can find effective products on the market, and many people prefer using an enzyme based product for pet soiling. There is a very effective home-remedy you can find online that uses baking soda and peroxide.
Carpet Shampoo
As a rule, most of the commercial rug shampoos you buy will have both chemicals and a fragrance. You can find shampoos that are more natural and do not contain any fragrance. People who, as a rule, have a chemical sensitivity, stand a chance of having a reaction if they buy a shampoo they haven’t used before. If there is a reaction, then that could really be a problem because the carpet may need to be cleaned again to remove the fragrance. And so, when you are shopping for a rug shampoo, remember this point and be careful what you buy.
It’s important that you remember that neglecting your carpets can lead to allergy problems. All you need to do is vacuum and then shampoo your carpeting on a regular basis. Your respiratory system will thank you for forming good procedures for keeping your carpets clean.